"Delighted with the magic Katherine has performed on my kids' playroom.
It is now a much more functional and welcoming space that the children actively want to play in. Not only did we sort out the playroom but also managed to get rid of some clutter in the adjoining room and my daughter's bedroom. This was a great bonus from my perspective! Highly recommend. Wish I could afford to have Katherine come over for a week!"
Rachael, London, UK
"Helping put order into chaos!
Katherine was the consummate professional. I've managed to accumulate far too many things over the years and she prompted me to both deeply consider what I wanted to retain and organise what I wanted to keep more effectively. This was never going to be a fun exercise, but Katherine helped make it bearable and quite satisfying in the end. Time well spent!"
Moe, London, UK
"Katherine has helped me a lot with battle to reduce years of accumulated possessions. She sees changes to storage systems and lay-outs I would never have thought of, and certainly would never have deemed possible. Under her imaginative gaze whole new scenarios take place. Anything to make life easier and more comfortable.
I have found Katherine to be supportive, caring, and sensitive. She understands the emotional attachment to "things" and how it can feel going back through a lifetime of memories and precious souvenirs. She is respectful of one possessions, and one's need to hang onto them. Never critical. Just a little gentle coaxing......time to let go!
She transformed my bedroom by rearranging storage containers, the upper parts of which I had not been able to reach for years. She's good at her job and has a good sense of humour. We do have a laugh! It helps."
Mrs. B., London, UK
"As a fashion stylist, mum and lover of things my house is ever growing with stuff! My ongoing challenge of decluttering suddenly became so overwhelming that I realised I needed an objective person to come to my rescue and give it a final push. I knew full well what to do but we are just too attached to all our things.
I was lucky enough to find Katherine in my search to book someone immediately as she was definitely the right person for me.
She was the perfect person for the job in many ways. Firstly I immediately liked her energy and personality on the phone and
during our initial useful skype consult. So I knew we would get on. Decluttering is very personal and would not work as well
with someone who did not understand you and your space.
She came for a 4hour blitz session and boy does time fly. So we concentrated on the main areas and then discussed
ideas for the others. I cleared out 20 bags for Oxfam and she came with me in the car to drop off which is very handy part
of her service.
She is full of energy and sympathy for the task at hand and although we both worked hard I felt a sense of achievement
at the end of our session. You are then inspired to keep the process going where possible. And am sure I would love to have
her again to tackle my small overspilling kitchen for another much needed blitz.
We accumulate so many things over the years that a decluttering session is a much needed service once to breathe you new life into your space!"
Desiree, London, UK
"I had a wonderful experience with Katherine. We tackled a set of drawers and cupboards that have been full of junk since I moved in to my flat.
I've continually meant to dedicate some time to doing a clear out but it's one of those jobs you just never quite get round to. Having Katherine by my side, helping to clear, advising on how best to organise and taking away the books and other charity shop items for me was fantastic. We worked tirelessly for 3 hours and the space now looks so much better. Had I of been doing the task alone I would almost certainly have given up half way through. Or never have gotten round to it in the first place. I went to bed feeling so much lighter. I hadn't realised how much mental energy my clutter was consuming!"
Jen, London, UK
"I had Katherine come for a visit to see what we could do to improve the quality of life in our living room. With two kids aged 8 and 6, I wanted to reclaim this room as a place where I could relax comfortably and not have their toys and clutter be the main feature of the room.
Katherine was very detailed in our prep call before she came over which helped us maximise the time we had together. The call helped me focus on the living room being the main place that I wanted to make some changes in. She had great suggestions about options for maximising the space through better storage and shelving to introduce a greater sense of ease and calm with our “stuff” - books, toys, technology. Since Katherine’s visit, I finally got around to repainting the living room which had been covered in paint samples for about a year!, and designing it in a way that will make the space much more relaxing and pleasant to be in. She also had great tips and ideas for making my office space one of productive energy through some creative solutions. Katherine's positive attitude, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking on how to use space in an innovative way, plus project management and problem-solving skills made tackling this change much easier!"
Meg, London, UK
I asked Katherine to come and help me get straight on stuff I'd accumulated over a few decades. She worked tirelessly over 5 days to sort through my things with me and help me identify what was essential, important and no longer needed.
My bedroom also doubles as my work space from which I run a small business. Over time the two spaces had merged into one and I was finding it very difficult to organise my work and personal life. I felt overwhelmed and didn't know where or how to start. Katherine made the decluttering and organising process very enjoyable and I found it fun to do. She also gave me the tools to be able to do this myself in the future by giving me simple rules to work to ensuring that moving forward I can keep everything in order. Katherine created a dedicated work space and put processes in place which means that I can carry out business tasks much quicker as there is a logical flow to the work I do. Everything I need on a day-to-day basis is now easily accessible and I know where everything is. I have dedicated cupboards for specific activities or types of belongings. And I can get to my wardrobe once more!
Christine, Portsmouth, UK